At Joseph Martin, we place people at the heart of our global human resources policy.
Dare to change your career!
Become an operator-adjuster
We support you in your project with Alpège Horizon. Come and take the skills tests (recruitment without CV)
- Paid certifying and qualifying training (CQPM)
- Personalized support in our teams by a tutor and 8 weeks of theoretical training.
Professional retraining offers the chance for a new career to all those who wish to explore this promising sector.
Our goal: to make you succeed!
Since 2015, the company has been training people in professional retraining, as part of a professionalization contract. 8 out of 10 people were hired on permanent contracts after the one-year training.

Promoting our professions to young people
In order to pass on his know-how and sustain employment in the Arve valley, Joseph Martin is involved in promoting the bar turning and industry professions through various actions:
- Visits of our sites for students from 3rd to 12th grade, in partnership with local schools,
- Participation in events such as “Com les pros” or “Indus’Tour” with the aim of introducing our different professions to the general public,
- Intervention with high school students to present and promote our professions during Industry Week (event supported by the Chambre Syndicale de la Métallurgie and MEDEF Haute-Savoie),
- Welcoming interns and work-study apprentices from second grade,
Prioritize a pleasant working environment
Everyone benefits from personalized support as soon as they take up their position.
We pay attention to:
- The maintenance of our equipment and our premises in order to provide comfortable working conditions for our operators: weekly cleaning of equipment, regular maintenance of work equipment, oil suction to avoid oil mists, cleaned floors, air conditioning of workshops…
- Methods and means consistent with its quality requirements: documents at the station, established with machine measurement means, APC software, CMM,

Support the development of our teams
At Joseph Martin, we ensure the development of skills and the loyalty of its employees (internal and external training, professionalization contracts, GPEC, etc.).
We have always made sure to develop and promote staff internally to support them throughout their professional life.
The company also strives to further promote women as part of its agreement aimed at professional equality between women and men.
Hired following retraining
women for 67% men
Want to join us?
I submit my unsolicited application